Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Happy Cappies

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Two of a Kind

Yes, yes. I know that Kei's birthday pics are long overdue. May I please pacify with some random pics of the Ks from the month of May 2009?

I guess the little one wasn't into taking photos that day!

The mummy attempting a remake of the CNY pic

Stop squishing me!

Seriously, stop squishing me people!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

First Steps!

Keisha decided that she wanted to walk today.

Not that she has never walked before, but she usually does a few steps and was more interested in crawling. But today she is officially a full fledge walker and in true Kei Kei style, she looked like she was almost breaking into a RUN!

Kids these days!

Er, sorry about having to tilt your head to one side to watch this. the Mummy can't figure out how to "turn" the video the right way!