Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Three Diapers and a Maternity Gown

The idea that Mummy and Daddy gave me yesterday requires precise and detailed planning. I took me the whole night to plan.


Now I just need to get the timing right. I shall commence Mission Projectile during my 4am feed, when Mummy and Daddy are the most sleepy.

I woke up and cried on schedule to indicate that I am hungry and ready for my next feed. Daddy woke up and carried me while Mummy got ready. Then around 30 minutes later, I gave out a fart to trick Mummy that I had pooped. So as I was done with the first breast, Mummy decided it is time to change my diapers (I had earlier urinated into the diapers so that the Mission would work).

Mummy finished changing my diapers and was just about to wrap me up. Time for the next phase of the plan. I pooed once into the diaper and then made some farts to trick Mummy and Daddy into believing that it was a big poo and that I was done. True enough, after waiting for about 5 minutes, Mummy proceeded to cleaning me up with wet wipes. Once more I waited until the right moment. Just as she was done with the wipes, I took aim and fired.

Transformer Gun

Bullseye! I managed to get some onto Mummy's maternity gown. Mission Accomplished. Daddy had to take over getting me cleaned up while Mummy went to clean herself and change into another night gown. Was pondering on aiming at Daddy too but realised that I was out of ammunition. Nevermind. There is always next time. Muahahaha.



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