Monday, May 09, 2005

Lots of Gas and a whole lot of crap!

I have not been feeling well the past 2 days. I have farted five hundred and one times and have not been able to pass motion. I just can't seem to get it out and the feeling is irritating me and I tend to cry a lot because of that.

Baby Pooping

After a good evening nap, all of a sudden my tummy hurt a lot and I woke up crying. Mummy tried to soothe me but the hurt just won't go away. She started singing this soothing song about God. I don't understand the words yet but her voice just some how have an effect and I had to go. The pampers barely held it all and mummy and daddy had to use 8 wet wipes to clean me up. Just as they changed the diapers, I pooped another load and they had to clean me over again. But, boy, did that feel good.



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